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Muscle manuals is a free, educational website created to help people understand human anatomy and muscle mechanics in relation to strength training. Our exercise library offers instructional content on how to perform each exercise, as well as providing a detailed analysis of the movements involved in each. Muscle utilisation is...based off joint actions and manipulations to things such as grip, stance, or the way in which you move your body through planes of motion will have an impact on this. Pre-stretching a muscle before performing a concentric contraction will intensify the stress on the respective muscle as it contracts, and contrarily, shortening a muscle will result in a decreased output. Muscle manuals aims to help you understand these concepts so that you can target particular muscles within your workout, as well as dispel common myths about exercises and what muscles they use. Updates to our site will be ongoing so if you would like to stay up to date with these, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter in the footer of our website. Thank you for supporting us and we look forward to expanding our free services over time.